Glorious Moments Birth Services
Client Testimonials
After I had my first child and had a bad experience I was consumed with fear to birth another child again, I knew I would need all the support I could get! Beyond the support of my mom and my husband, I decided a doula would be good for helping me feel that much more confident in myself. Brittney was just the gal for the job! We decided that using hypnobabies would be the best way for me to overcome my fears. She helped to remind me to do my hypno "homework" and throughout the process I really did feel good, and even excited about birth! Which for me was a miracle.. Brittney and I would often talk about my birth plan and the different options that I had. She helped me to understand what those options were and the pros and cons of each. She was supportive with every decision I made, and I never felt pressure that I should make one decision over another, she just gave me the information and left it in my hands. When ever I had a concern or question she would answer to the best of her ability, and then would take the time to do extra research and send me links to make sure I could explore it more if I wanted or needed to. She was reliable and was always ready to help when I needed her, which was fairly often. When it came time to have the baby everything went super fast! Nonetheless, I couldn't have done it without the support of Brittney. When I got to that point where I didn't know whether I could continue Brittney reassured me that I could, and held my hand to get me through it. I was in active labor for about 20 minutes total! It was wonderful!! And I know that I owe it to the fact that I was completely relaxed and ready to birth my daughter. Had I still been consumed by fear I know that my labor would have been just that.. Labor!! But it is an experience that I look forward to telling my girls, and teaching them about the beauty of giving birth. Thank you, Brittney for all of your hard work, and sacrifices that you made on my behalf, I am forever grateful!
We were so blessed to have Brittney with us. She knew how to keep me calm when I was in pain and helped me focus on breathing. She used massage techniques to help me relax and when it came time to push she had this scarf thing that we used to pull me up. It helped out so much! I really valued her opinion. We would have her there every single time if we had to redo it all again. Thank you!
Because of my amazing doula, Brittney Kohl, I was able to conquer 12hrs of natural active labor with my son's malpositioning and 36cm head. Although my birth didn't go the way I planned it due to complications, Brittney helped me surpass my expectations with such amazing support. She led my husband through great techniques and helped him be active in my labor as we intended. She is easy to connect with and extremely prepared/organized. Even the postpartum visit was above and beyond with so many lactation tips, as well as the "new parent questions" answered. For the next new family member we welcome into our lives, I already have my doula chosen! -Sana

I chose to look into getting a doula because I knew I wanted a natural birth. I knew I wanted it to be beautiful and not traumatizing. Being a first time mom I wasn't sure my husband would be completely present in the moment. Your soft calm voice really stood out to both of us and we knew that would be nice to have around in a time that could be very stressful! My goal was to have a completely medication free birth and you helped me achieve that goal by keeping me calm and in control of my emotions. You reminded me that my body knew what it was doing, and that even though I felt like I wasn't doing great, that I was doing it! I remember there was one moment you went to the bathroom (you were not even gone for 5 minutes) and I looked at Cody and completely fell apart! I was scared and I felt out of control. Because I was so used to him and he was shocked at my sudden change, he didn't know what to say. When you came back in the room I told you "I can't do it anymore" and you said very firmly "you are doing it"! That really helped me snap out of the place I was at and get back on track. I know that if you weren't there I wouldn't have had the birth I had. Three adjectives we would use to describe you are helpful, compassionate, and calm! Besides you keeping my head in the right place, it was also extremely helpful that you knew how to help with the pain, where to apply pressure, what to do when I felt nauseous, and how to help in every situation we went through.
Brittney was our doula for the birth of our first child in October ’17. We read about many doula’s online, trying to decide who interview and eventually go with... there are many wonderful women out there serving pregnant mothers! However, Brittney stood out in several ways. The first thing I noticed that was especially important to us, was that she would also be able to assist with breastfeeding postpartum. This was SO important to me, to have someone who could assist in creating a healthy breastfeeding relationship with our baby should we need help. On top of the knowledge and experience we were looking for, we were also limited financially. Brittney kindly gave us a generous discount so that we could still hire a doula.
She jumped in at the end of my pregnancy, and proved to everyone around us the value of having a doula. During the birth, Brittney relieved my husband immensely- tirelessly massaging me during contractions and applying pressure where and when needed, so he could focus on other aspects of the birth and my emotional needs. Then, when my planned home birth turned into an emergency c-section, Brittney came with to the hospital, and stayed for as long after as she was needed, going above and beyond what we could have wished for. She herself was 7 months pregnant at the time- I can only imagine the extent of her dedication when she is not! Thank you, Brittney, for your love and passion in serving women. We are blessed to have found you!
I knew that I wanted to have a doula to support me and my husband for the birth of our first child. What made me reach out to Brittney was the fact that she offered competitive pricing and more prenatal meetings than other doulas advertised. We interviewed several doulas, but opted for Brittney because she personified the kind of birth I'd hoped to have: she's a warm, calm, confident woman who has served many other families and has given birth herself. I felt very comfortable with her. When it came time for me to deliver, Brittney really came through for our family. Although she'd been up the night before with another client (she'd delivered delivered two weeks late and I delivered one week early) and despite the fact the she was seven months' pregnant herself, Brittney empowered me to feel confident during the birthing process. She offered suggestions for positions to labor in, how my husband could best assist me, massage techniques, and aromatherapy. Brittney also stayed with us after the birth to help with our first breastfeeding. Given the option to do it all over again, I'd definitely want Brittney by my side!